Thursday, October 16, 2008

Unit 2 Lab: Metabolic Rates

Unit 2 Lab

For my lob I measured my metabolic rates during a brick walk, 30 sec run and 20 jumping jacks, in addition to, of course, my baseline. I found this a very challenging lab because of having to schedule all my activities. It is interesting to see how the body and the circuitry system have to kick in when activity level goes up.

My hypothesis is that my metabolic rates would go up depending on the activity. I thought they would go up a little with a brick walk, a little more with jumping jacks, and finally more with a 30 second run.

Here's me walking

Here's me running

Here's me doing jumping jacks, it is hard to tell what I'm doing :-)

Here's me getting my blood pressure tested

Baseline Repetition 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 Mean
Pulse 82 89 84 85
Resp 18 20 22 20
Systolic 107 104 105 105
Diastolic 66 67 62 65

Brick Walk Repetition 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 Mean
Pulse 90 104 94 100
Resp 31 30 36 32
Systolic 108 104 106 106
Diastolic 63 62 67 64

30 sec Run Repetition 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 Mean
Pulse 88 92 91 90
Resp 29 27 34 30
Systolic 109 110 113 111
Diastolic 59 57 62 59

20 jumping Jacks Repetition 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 Mean
Pulse 89 86 90 88
Resp 29 27 34 30
Systolic 105 106 101 104
Diastolic 53 56 58 56

My hypothesis was partially correct. The levels didn’t have the as drastic of jumps as I thought they might, and my pulse surprised me; but I am a very fast walker. Over all my metabolic rates did go up, just not in the way I expected them to.

I don’t think there was a problem with my technique, I think I just didn’t really know what was going to happen and that is why I didn’t get exactly the results I was looking for.

It was interesting to actually see what different types of activity due to the body. Measuring my metabolic rates was a good way to look into that. I am in the middle of a 5-k running program, and I really haven’t ran much in my life so it was interesting to see what effect running has on my heart.

1 comment:

Larry Frolich said...

Thanks for all your hard work on this unit—it is generally excellent. I, too, was surprised by how little your metabolic rates changed with exercise, and that walking and running didn't seem to make much difference. I wonder how hard you were running or if it was just a light jog....people who do a lot of exercise and are in generally good health as it sounds like you are, often don't see much jump...but your systolic hardly changes and even your pulse doesn't go up much! You do a great job of presenting the lab, the hypothesis, your data (just a couple of columns that weren't labeled, but I figured them out). You might have said more about each type of metabolic measurement when you went back and analyzed how good your hypothesis was. Otherwise, great job.

I'm glad, as you say, that you liked doing the ethical issue essay and found it to be a source of your passion—you mention that your family has belonged to a CSA and that you are a vegan, so I'm sure you think about these issues a lot and it shows in your insightful essay. You do a nice succinct job of reviewing three of the large topics that I had posted articles on.

Your compendiums are generally great and I also posted points for the genetics one now. I agree as you say that your nutrition compendium is the might have expanded on the process of digestion and digestive organs, and perhaps glucose and glucose regulation. All of your compendiums are well organized with a nice table of contents, good choice of many great images, especially for the blood and for genetics, and nice use of text to explain everything.

Both your online labs are answer all the questions...I wonder if you couldn't get a screen shot of the nutrition calculator or did you just decide to type everything in ...doesn't matter, all the info is there.

Keep up the great work!