Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Unit 3: Leech Lab


1. What is the electrode measuring?

The electrode is measuring the difference of neuron membranes.

2. Why use leeches in neurophysiology experiments?

Because the neurons are easy to reach without having to disrupt the neuron.

3. What is the difference between a sensory and a motor neuron?

A sensory neuron sends messages to the brain and spinal word, while the motor neuron sends messages to the muscles and organs.

4. Do you think a leech experiences pain? What is pain?

Absolutely. I think that anything with nerves experiences pain.

5. What were the two most interesting things about doing this lab?

Seeing the structure of a leach was interesting because we don’t have leeches her in the west. And getting to walk through doing the experiment virtually to see how it works without has to actually do it.

6. Anything you found confusing or didn't like about the lab?

I did not like dissecting the leech. It was gross and sad, but at least it wasn’t real.

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