Friday, December 12, 2008

Compendium Review Unit 4 pt 2

Table of contents

1. Deep Time Evolutionary History
2. Human Evolution
3. Natural Selection
4. Physical Landscape
5. Biological Landscape--what is domestication?

1. Deep Time Evolutionary History

Deep time is a way of expressing the amount of time that is not understandable for the humane mind. It is necessary to become comfortable with the idea of deep time for studying evolution.

a. Early Earth

The earth and its history have been studied widely. Scientists have uncovered the chemical makeup of the earth from existing ancient rocks, which give them an idea of how the earth has changed over time. The Stanly Miller experiments looked at what the young earth’s atmosphere was like, how energy was applied and studied organic molecules.

b. Evolution is a fact

Many creationists argue that evolution is not real. However, scientists argue this with facts that have been uncovered. There are many fossil records that show the evolution of species and the earth. Not to mention that many similarities exist between species that are thought to be related and be a break off of another species.

2. Human Evolution

The evolution of humans is probably the most studied part of evolution; we are after all quite self-absorbed. Humans are Homo sapiens, this is characterized by these facts, we can interbreed, there is little anatomical or biochemical difference between populations, and DNA and protean show a single common ancestor. The humans of today’s world rule the planet. This is great for us but has led to many adverse affects on the environment and other species. We are responsible for the pollution and we have been responsible for the extinction of many plants and animals; not to mention general disruption of their existence.

a. Humans are primates

Humans are most closely related to monkeys and apes, which are also primates; we share many characteristics with other primates.

3. Natural Selection

The idea of Natural Selection is the brainchild of Darwin. It says that the strongest survive creating an ever-stronger race of the species. It is similar to how farmers produce ever-healthier crops, or at least try to.

4. Physical Landscape

Humans have had quite an impact of the physical landscape of the earth, and more than just all the construction that has been done to reshape the land. We affect the water cycle, by consuming huge amounts of water and using it for agriculture and even for amusement. We have also disrupted the carbon cycle, because we harvest fossil fuels. Humans have put carbon gages into the atmosphere which many claim is responsible for climate change.

5. Biological Landscape--what is domestication?

We have created our own landscape. We have an ecosystem just like any other species, however we have over complicated how this works because of our sheer size and of course of particular living habits. We consume resources at a much larger rate than any other species. We have also changed other ecosystems in many ways and included other species in our ecosystem through domestication. Early on we simply domestication things that interacted well with humans and we’re easier to breed. Now we’ve branched out, we use domestication for research in laboratories; we have brought animals indoors to live with us.

1 comment:

James E. Strickling, Jr. said...

There is no evidence whatever for evolution by natural selection. Extrapolation from the peppered moth just won’t cut it.
Gradual evolution cannot withstand a logical analysis.
“Deep time” is not a necessary concept insofar as evolution is concerned.
There is no gradualist explanation for the origin of consciousness.
Likewise, there is no gradualist explanation for the origin of language.
Biblical creationism is also seen to be flawed when objectively analyzed. (A typical “analysis” is effectively an emotional reaction.)
All these issues are objectively analyzed in a new publication leading to an astonishing alternate perspective.

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